Serene Lily Whispers
Our stunning bouquet features a combination of 5 elegant white roses, 3 delicate white chrysanthemums, and 2 beautiful white lilies, accompanied by lush green leaves. This arrangement exudes purity and grace, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Each flower is carefully selected and arranged by our expert florists to ensure a breathtaking presentation. Whether you're celebrating a special milestone or simply want to brighten someone's day, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.
Pickup available at Unit No. SP035/1 Main St
Usually ready in 4 hours
Serene Lily Whispers
Unit No. SP035/1 Main St
Unit No. SP035/1 Main St
Box Hill VIC 3128
Please Note
Please be aware that flowers are a natural product and their availability may vary based on the season. The image shown is meant to serve as a guide for style. Our skilled florists will use the freshest available flowers to create an arrangement that closely resembles your selection. Wrapping paper color and style may also vary based on availability.
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